Hammerhead Shark Tooth

Hammerhead sharks are some of the most bizarre creatures to swim in the oceans of Planet Earth. Yes, it looks like an extraterrestrial, but look at the teeth. These boomerang-shaped razors might not be the biggest among shark teeth, but the sculptural quality stands up for the rest of the beast. So when I saw a handful of these fossilised wonders, I did not stop, until I had a mega version on the shelf.

The Hammerhead Shark Tooth sits on a base cast from specially dyed acrylic gypsum and which we further treated with bees wax to make it glow like the enamel of the tooth.

Size: H: 37 L: 40 D: 15 cm

Weight: 2 kg.

Material: Epoxy and acrylic gypsum

If you wish to acquire this object, don't hesitate to contact us for further information and price.


Nurse shark tooth


The Jelly Flower